Right to submit questions before the meeting
Pursuant to Article 127-ter of T.U.F., those entitled to vote, for whom appropriate notice is received by the Company provided by an intermediary authorised under the applicable law, may submit questions only on the topics on the agenda also before the Meeting, at the latest by 25 April 2017 included. For the questions received by such date, an answer will be provided at the latest during the Meeting. Questions may be sent to the Company by mail, at the following address: ENAV S.p.A. – Affari Legali e Societari/Societario - Via Salaria 716 - 00138 Rome - Ref. “Meeting Questions”, by fax to +39 0681662062 or by email, to domande.assemblea@enav.it . Those wishing to exercise their option to submit questions are also invited to clearly indicate the agenda item to which the individual questions refer and indicate, together with the questions: their name and surname; place and date of birth; tax identification number; email address; phone number.
The Company may provide one answer to questions with the same content. No answer is owed, not even at the Meeting, to questions posed beforehand when the information requested is already available in the "questions and answers" format in the relevant section of the Company's website www.enav.it or when the answer has been already published in this section.