Addition to the board of statutory auditors
In accordance with Article 21.1 of the By-laws, the Board of Auditors is appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting and is made up of three standing Auditors and two alternates.
The Board of Statutory Auditors currently in office until the approval of the financial statements as of 31 December 2018 is composed of three standing Auditors and one alternate, due to resignation of the other alternate.
The list voting mechanism will not apply or the appointment of an alternate and the appointment will be made with the majorities envisaged by law, in accordance with Article 21.3 of the By-laws, on the basis of the candidatures that Shareholders will, as appropriate, submit.
In accordance with the above-mentioned Article, the composition of Board of Statutory Auditors must ensure compliance with the laws and regulations in force in relation to gender balance.
The proposals concerning candidacy as alternate auditor must be accompanied by (i) the curriculum vitae with the personal and professional characteristics of each candidate; (ii) declarations in which the individual candidate accepts the nomination and certifies, under his or her own responsibility, the absence of grounds for ineligibility or incompatibility, and the possession of the requirements provided for by the statutory provisions, laws and regulations for the members of the Board of Statutory Auditors, as well as (iii) the list of any office as a director or statutory auditor held in other companies in accordance with Article 2400 cod. civ.