Right to participate and to vote at the meeting
Pursuant to Article 83-sexies of Legislative Decree 58 dated 24 February 1998, ("T.U.F."), those shareholders shall be entitled to participate at the meeting for whom an intermediary authorised pursuant to the applicable regulations has sent notice to the Company, certifying their ownership right as of the end of the accounting day of the seventh trading day prior to the date set for the Meeting on single call (and therefore 19 April 2017 – “record date”). The notice must be received by ENAV before the end of the third trading day prior to the date of the Meeting, and thus by 25 April 2017. The entitlement to attend and to vote is still verified if receipt of the notice by ENAV is past these terms, provided it is before the beginning of the business of the Meeting. Credit or debit adjustments made in the accounts after the record date do not count for the purpose of being entitled to exercise voting rights at the Meeting and therefore those who come to possess shares only after the record date will not be entitled to participate and vote at the Meeting. It should be recalled that the notice to ENAV is made by the intermediary at the request of the party who holds the right. Any requests for advance notice or compensation for the fulfilment of intermediary’s obligations cannot be attributed to the Company.
Voting by proxy
Pursuant to Articles 135-novies et seq. of T.U.F. and Article 8.1 of the By-laws, anyone entitled to vote may be represented at the Meeting by proxy conferred in writing in accordance with the laws in effect. A proxy form is made available in the relevant section of the Company's website at the address www.enav.it (section “Governance”, “Shareholders’ Meeting 2017”).
The mandate, filled out in every field, prepared legibly and duly signed, may be delivered to the Company, if possible, at least two trading days before the date set for the Meeting, (i.e., by 26 April 2017) by registered mail with return receipt to the following address: ENAV S.p.A. – Affari Legali e Societari/Societario - Via Salaria 716 - 00138 Rome - Ref. "Voting proxy", by fax at + 39 0681662062 or by certified email, to the address deleghe.assemblea@pec.enav.it , or via email at deleghe.assemblea@enav.it .
The delegation may also be transmitted to the Company electronically, using the electronic Proxy Notification page of the Company's website.
If the representative delivers or transmits a copy of the mandate to the company, also in electronic form, he or she shall certify under his or her responsibility the conformity of the mandate with the original and the identity of the delegator.
The company reserves the right not to accept mandates that are illegible. Please indicate in the message accompanying the mandate a telephone number, a fax or an email address for the sender.
Voting via mandate to the Shareholder Representative appointed by the Company
Pursuant to Article 135-undecies of T.U.F. and Article 8.4 of the corporate By-laws, the Company has designated Computershare S.p.A. as the entity ("Designated Representative") to which the Shareholders may confer free of charge a proxy with voting instructions for all or some of the items on the agenda.
The proxy shall be effective only for proposals in relation to which voting instructions have been provided.
The proxy shall be conferred by signing the Appointed representative proxy form made available in the relevant section of the Company's website at the address www.enav.it (section "Governance", "Shareholders’ Meeting 2017"), which must be sent in the original by the end of the second trading day prior to the date set for the Meeting to Computershare S.p.A., at their offices at Via Monte Giberto 33 – 00138 Rome (anticipating any copy with the original declaration of conformity), or by fax at + 390645417450 or by certified email to ufficioroma@pecserviziotitoli.it . The proxy and voting instructions can still be revoked within this term. The shares for which the proxy is conferred, even partially, are calculated for the purpose of constituting the quorum of the Meeting. In relation to proposals for which no voting instructions have been given, the shares are not calculated for the purpose of calculating the majority and the share of capital required to approve resolutions.
The Designated Representative will be available to Shareholders to provide any information and clarification needed at the number + 390645427413 and also at the email address ufficiorm@computershare.it .