Pursuant to Article 126-bis of T.U.F., Shareholders who individually or jointly represent at least one fortieth of the share capital may request, within ten days of the publication of this notice, and hence by 27 March 2017, an addition to the list of topics to be treated, stating in their application the additional topics proposed by them, or present proposals of resolution on topics already on the agenda. Additions to the agenda shall not be allowed for topics on which the Meeting, in accordance with the law, is deciding on a proposal of the board of directors or on the basis of a report prepared thereby, other than those referred to in Article 125-ter, paragraph 1, T.U.F. Shareholders are entitled to request additions to the items on the agenda or to introduce proposals of resolutions for which the relevant notification has been received by the Company, certifying the ownership of the stake required, made by an intermediary authorised under the applicable law. Requests shall be addressed in writing by registered mail, to the following address: ENAV S.p.A. – Affari Legali e Societari/Societario - Via Salaria 716 - 00138 Rome - Ref. “Addition to agenda " and/or "Proposals for resolutions", by fax to +39 0681662062 or by certified email, to - Ref. “Addition to agenda " and/or "Proposals for resolutions”.
Such requests must be accompanied by a report stating the justification for the proposed resolutions on the new topics proposed for discussion or the reason relating to the additional proposals of resolutions presented on topics already on the agenda. For additions to the agenda or the presentation of further proposals for deliberation on topics already on the agenda, notice must be given, in the same manner required for the publication of the notice of the call, at least fifteen days before the date set for the Meeting, and thus by 13 April 2017. In any case, anyone entitled to vote may individually present proposals of resolutions at the Meeting.