Electronic notification of proxies

Electronic notification of proxies

ENAV avails itself of the faculty provided for by art. 106, paragraph 4 of the Cure Italy Decree. Participation in the Shareholders' Meeting is then possible exclusively through the Appointed Representative, Computershare S.p.A., with registered office in Via Monte Giberto 33, 00138 Rome ("Appointed Representative"), pursuant to art. 135-undecies of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 (TUF). In addition to the possibility of being represented at the Shareholders' Meeting by means of a proxy conferred in writing to the Designated Representative pursuant to the aforementioned Article 135-undecies of the TUF, those who have the right to vote may be represented at the Shareholders' Meeting, in accordance with Articles 135-novies et seq. of the TUF and Article 8.1 of the Articles of Association, by means of a proxy conferred in writing, again to the Designated Representative. Such proxies may be forwarded to the Designated Representative electronically using a specific web application prepared and managed directly by Computershare S.p.A.