
EU aviation stakeholders sign joint declaration on the future of the Single European Sky

The "Digital European Sky" to better face the constant growth of air traffic


Bruxelles - At the “Digital European Sky” conference, organised on September 11, 2019  in Brussels under the Finnish Presidency of the EU - representatives of 21 EU aviation and workers associations signed a joint declaration committing to a set of concrete actions to finally and fully implement the Single European Sky (SES).


The joint declaration that was signed by A6 Alliance, A4 Airline Grouping, A4E, AIRE, ACI EUROPE, ASD, ATCEUC, Borealis Alliance, B4, CANSO, COOPANS, Drone Alliance Europe, EBAA, EHA, ERA, Gate One, IATA, IFATCA, IFATSEA and IAOPA sends a strong signal that the SES vision can only be achieved through the collaborative and coordinated efforts of all stakeholders, including Member States and the European Institutions.


Global passenger traffic is expected to double by 2037 - accommodating this growth while at the same time addressing its environmental and social impacts is key. The Single European Sky is an effective way to address European aviation environmental challenges by delivering an efficient and integrated air traffic management system.


Also attended the conference Roberta NeriENAV CEO and Chairman of A6 (the Alliance of the European ANSPs committed to modernize the European ATM).

She stated: I would like to welcome this opportunity. New technology has a crucial role to play to ensure that Europe’s ATM system is capable of meeting the growing demand for air traffic while also responding to the environmental needs and the demand from new users of the airspace such as drones. We think that the digital transformation of aviation, the increased automation and virtualisation are the tools we can use to balance capacity and demand while ensuring scalability and resilience of the system .