
Completed the renovation of Rome Fiumicino Tower

The ENAV Control Tower of Rome Fiumicino airport has redone the look.

Roma, October, 27, 2015 - After about 25 years since the last restructuring, the ENAV Control Tower of Rome Fiumicino airport has redone the look. The work, which lasted about 9 months, involved both the internal and the external, where the ''snail'' logo ENAV is represented in the new tricolor version.


The Tower, designed by Riccardo Morandi, one of the most famous engineers in '900, and already recognized as historic value by the Ministry of Culture, has become a symbol of Fiumcino Airport since opening in 1960.


From this Tower ENAV provides 24 hours a day air traffic control services. Fiumicino manages 320,000 movements per year, about 900 per day with peaks of 90 per hour, a take-off / landing every 40 seconds. ENAV Group resources, for a total of about 150 units, guarantee the functioning of these delicate operations.

The restructuring had no impact on the operations of the airport. The works in the operating rooms, completely refurbished, were in fact carried out mostly at night, during the hours from midnight to 5 when the air traffic at the airport is very low. As example of the actions undertaken, the replacement of the large windows outside: the latest generation, are made of a special tempering that ensures excellent visibility, strength, anti-reflective and insulation. Completely renovated also the fire escape outside the equipment room, the technological heart of the control tower.