
Bilateral meeting ENAV - Israeli Delegation

Hosted, at the Rome Area Control Centre, an Israeli delegation, representing the Civil Aviation.

Rome, 7 July 2015 - ENAV hosted, at the Rome Area Control Centre, an Israeli delegation, representing the Civil Aviation (Civil Aviation Authority of Israel) and the service provider for air navigation services  (Israel Airports Authority).

During the meeting were dealt issues about the Single European Sky regulatory and technological changes and the benefits that can be derived from technical and operational closer cooperation in the Mediterranean area.

ENAV, after having explained to the guests the Control Center, presented the most important programs of technological modernization (including Coflight, 4-Flight and Aireon) in which the company is involved. It was also shown the new simulation and validation center and Security Operations Centre.

The Israeli delegation was welcomed by Iacopo Prissinotti, Head of International Strategies and Francesco Di Maio, Head of Security.