
Interview with... Claudio Carli - Secretary General of ASSOCONTROL

Secretary General of ASSOCONTROL

[Cleared n°9 - Year X October 2013]

The Association representing the national enterprises in the ATM sector and for direct and complementary services.

Mr. Carli, Assocontrol was started up a few months ago, but why add a new association on the national level where there are already a number of associations in the air transport sector?
Because for over 30 years, the world of air transport has been characterized by turbulence and instability seldom found in other industrial sectors. Formerly, the world air transport industry was dominated by giants like Pan Am and TWA, and we all know what happened there. The deregulation introduced in the United States by Ronald Reagan, as long ago as 1981, upset the entire structure of the labour market in the airline sector, being followed by the continuous and persistent pressure of the competition and the widespread restructuring of the airline sector, led to rapid and dramatic changes in the business models and of corporate policies; innumerable companies have opened and closed, while tens of thousands of workers have lost their jobs. Assocontrol started up to monitor these phenomena more closely, since these convulsions have had an increasing impact on the social partners and on the dynamics of industrial relations. In order to achieve the maximum visibility possible on the national scenario, Assocontrol has proposed its membership of the Confindustria system, and this request was accepted at the end of July.

According to you, Mr. Carli, how have we reached this point, and why does the air transport industry in Italy and Europe seem unable to achieve a consolidated industrial setup?
In Europe, from 1992 to 1994, deregulation broke down the barriers to the entry of new carriers which directly or indirectly, competing with the so-called major companies, liberalizing traffic rights. This included tariffs, so that only the most efficient companies, such as the low cost airlines, have not only managed to start up, but also to prosper, taking advantage of the disastrous situation of the other carriers. In a short time, and in a very difficult market, Ryanair and Easyjet have become the real dominators of European air transport, displaying their symbols in front of the terminals of the European airports were up to not so many years ago we saw the national colours of the so-called flagship airlines. In Europe the legendary giants of the skies have not disappeared, like the American carriers I mentioned before, but the consequences for the European Airlines and the people who work for them have been no less disastrous, we only need recall the situation of Alitalia or, in other countries, the myth of Swissair which fell to pieces on 2 October 2001, with the dramatic grounding of all the company's aircraft; in 2006 this event was even portrayed in a movie with strongly emotional contents.
Everyone can see that the deregulation of European air transport has been the "Trojan Horse" enabling the low cost carriers to burst onto the Italian and European market.

What role does Assocontrol plan to have on the national level?
First of our, we plan to be there, to participate and be involved. As I said, in this business speed is everything; not only do we have to react correctly, but also in time, and sometimes, before that time. Perhaps no other business requires far-sightedness as air transport does. This regard to our own sector, the one with our members ENAV, TECHNO SKY and SICTA, we have demonstrated that we represent a highly qualified point of reference on the Italian and European level, because of the operational capacities shown day by day and for the capacity to keep up with the times with regard to technological development and the concern for the human factor. But we are convinced that technology alone cannot do everything, we need men and women, trained and motivated, to control and utilize these resources in Italy in the best way. We need only recall the performance levels that ENAV is now providing, with performance rates leading to zero delays for ATM and the levels of excellence recorded in the satisfaction of our users' need. But this is not enough, both the economic and regulatory scenarios imposed by the European Commission or national legislation might force us at any time to have to deal with more new business models, more challenging quality levels and more severe standards for the evaluation of performance. For this reason, Assocontrol intends to participate in the discussions covering the prospect of air transport, offering its contribution and vision to the institutions, social partners and all the stakeholders operating in the sector, safeguarding the interests and the role of the member companies and of the entire national ATM sector, favouring the transformation of the future limitations on corporate management into opportunities for the member companies. This is our mission.

As it starts its activity, what issues does Assocontrol plan to address?
The most critical area of concern for the association is, considering the current economic crisis scenario, the social aspect. The often unpredictable changes on the market have a strong impact on the social dimensions of employment, and all of this should be reviewed in a dynamic dialogue between the social partners. Due to this, Assocontrol has already undertaken contacts with the main employers' associations in the industry, especially Assaereo and Assaeroporti, to agree on joint lines of action that should benefit the entire system. One of the first results, in this respect, is participation at the negotiations for the definition of the new collective labour contract for air transport sector, an especially innovative agreement aimed at providing, not only to the ATM sector but to the entire Italian civil aviation sector, a tool for making agreements significantly including all of its components. By signing this agreement with Assaereo, Assaeroporti and Assohandlers, Assocontrol has become effectively accredited as an institutional counterpart in the discussions on the future of air transport in Italy.