PAPI, ALS and Visual Aids


Thanks to four Piaggio P180 AVANTI II aircraft equipped with the NSM UNIFIS 3000 platform and a portable RIFIS system, ENAV can provide flight inspection services for all types of approach lighting systems:

  • Approach Lighting System
  • Precision Approach Lighting System (PALS)
  • Visual Approach Slope Indicator System (VASIS)
  • PAPI
  • Approach Light Beacon
  • Runway Alignment Indicator

Maintaining the highest level of precision of the trajectory in the visual segment of approach is the aim of these measurements when PAPIs are involved. Approach and runway lighting systems are assessed in terms of functionality and human factors (illusion, surrounding lighting environment, night-day assessment, etc.) to assure proper guidance to pilots during all types of operations.

Specific flight profiles can be performed to evaluate the effective status of approach lighting systems and give operational feedback. Under most circumstances, this check can be paired with an ILS check, thus greatly increasing efficiency.
Depending on the type of exercise performed, a detailed report and a declaration of the usability status of the facility will be delivered in accordance with customer specifications.

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