
Interview with...Gianfranco Wurzburger

Chairman of ASSO.GIO.CA. (Associazione Gioventù Cattolica - Catholic Youth Association)

[Cleared n°2 - Year XIX - february 2022]

Gianfranco Wurzburger

Mr. Wurzburger, please introduce us to Asso.Gio.Ca.: what are the initiatives and aims of the Association you lead? (Associazione Gioventù Cattolica - Catholic Youth Association) was created twenty-five years ago in Naples with a dream: to support and assist adolescents to become “good, honest citizens” in a problematical district of Naples: Mercato. With a precise purpose: to achieve an effective promotion of “life” among young people. Therefore, it focuses its activities in the sectors of voluntary work in the community, youngsters at risk, promoting culture, safeguarding historical and monumental heritage, safeguarding the environment, foster care, distance adoption, sport, third age and inclusive teaching.

Over the years we have grown and broadened our central focus of intervention: no longer and not only in Piazza Mercato, but also in the districts of Montesanto, Forcella and Materdei. And precisely in Materdei, we achieved our greatest dream: the “Giardino degli Scalzi” [the “Garden of the Barefooted”].  The recovery of a large area covering over 2,700 sq.m. that the association received under loan for use in 2013 from the Arciconfraternita dei Pellegrini [Brotherhood of Pilgrims] and where it conducts a number of activities for and with young people with a view to safeguarding the environment, by creating a city garden right in the heart of Naples in the road called Lungo Sant’Agostino degli Scalzi. 

ENAV and ASSO.Gio.Ca.: two worlds so far apart that have come together. Tell us about this partnership and why precisely the restoration of the Church of San Carlo Borromeo, known as the Carminiello in Naples.

No world is really far away from the next. Profit-making and non-profit organisations are busy engaging in virtuous dialogues, where relations are always the winning element. It goes without saying that these apparently opposite worlds are two realities that need each other and the partnerships in progress are highly varied.  

As we are always on the lookout for new spaces for our youngsters and for opportunities to take them off the streets and, as a virtuous alternative, to foster projects and initiatives geared towards their rebirth. We are working to build conscious and responsible identities.  In the centre of Naples, in the Quartieri Spagnoli district, there is a beautiful church: San Carlo Borromeo known as Carminiello in Toledo, owned by the Congregation of the 63 Priests, granted to our organisation on loan for use. This will become an additional, precious outpost developing activities for the benefit of youngsters and others. It is a building where, with the necessary restoration work, we will put into practice our activities for the development of well-being on an individual, family and community level, thus respecting its intended religious use.  And in this dream, we have found a helping hand from ENAV which is at our side and providing us with its support.

Could the partnership with ENAV reveal other developments in the future?

Our project aim is never to exclude those who are most alone: so our intention is also to involve in our activities the young patients assisted by the psychiatric service of the Naples 1 Health Authority so as to include them in our work. Another sign of our presence and our desire to care for everyone.

Therefore, we need further assistance and support for another challenge. We are certain that ENAV will be there at our side: just like us, it loves challenges and dreams.

Do you think that the new generations can break free from the malaise in our cities which has been further highlighted during the pandemic?

The only means for breaking free is education. We are well aware that it is a long, wonderful and sometimes winding and impervious pathway, but it’s the only path we can take. As we have been trying to follow it for twenty-five years, fully aware that we must and can only survive if we network with institutional representatives, educational agencies, third sector entities and the whole world of voluntary work.

Our relentless commitment is that of offering care: accompanying the new generations and turning them into leading players in today’s world and in the future, fully aware that no-one should be left by themselves. And our hope is that this caring will provide the cure and opportunity for young people not to be left trapped and ensnared by the world of crime.

Fostering relations, caring for others, caring for those who are alone is the road, through educational programmes and training, that will lead to cities that are liveable and manageable.

Interview with...Gianfranco Wurzburger