ENAV has 31 remote radio centres and 45 airport radio centres that handle voice transmissions between air traffic controllers and pilots, ensuring the necessary coverage and redundancies.

Data-Link: Air-ground communications are evolving towards the digital transition. Until recently all communications between pilots and air traffic controllers took place exclusively via radio.Thanks to the Data-Link, operating on all four area control centers, it is instead possible to replace most of the voice communications with digital communications that the pilot can view directly on the on-board console. ENAV has implemented the Data-Link system at national level, with the construction of 19 terrestrial data transceiver stations. Data-Link is profoundly transforming not only the way in which controllers and pilots communicate, but is making the aeronautical world even safer and more efficient, further facilitating the interaction between the controller's decision-making process and the pilot.
E-net: Aeronautical telecommunications between the Area Control Centres (ACC) and between ACC and airports are guaranteed by E-net, a ground-based voice and data transmission network developed by ENAV that unites route centers, airports and neighboring international centres. Voice coordination messages between controllers, radar data, meteorological data, flight and information messages travel on E-net. In order to ensure maximum safety of communication operations, emergency channels are present, based on radio links and satellite routes.