Integrated Development Plan Evaluation


The MasterPlanning service addresses the preparation of airspace and/or airport development plans with the objective of presenting a vision for the future, with long-range goals and objectives. Depending on the specific context, a master plan will cover:

  • detailed market analysis and traffic forecast (i.e., analysis of historical data, market potentiality of the catchment area, traffic demand in the short and medium/long term)
  • air traffic services (i.e., airspace analysis and services definition, capacity enhancements)
  • airport conceptual planning (i.e., definition of mission & analysis of alternatives, RWY orientation and sizing in accordance with potential fleet and local environment)
  • economic and financial analysis (i.e., value management, estimation of costs and benefits for key elements of the scenarios, funding possibilities).

Evaluation of interference from fixed/temporary obstacles (new buildings and/or infrastructure changes), or complex activities and identification of advanced solutions to support the drafting of masterplans and/or work plans that affect the manoeuvring area, or changes in the traffic sample or other changes that may require the design of IFPs and the development of simulations of the operating scenario with the measurement of predefined performance indicators.

We believe that the work performed by a multidisciplinary team of experts with technical, strategic and business-oriented skills makes the difference in providing a unique service. Our staff includes certified project managers, CNS technicians and engineers, ATCOs, FISOs, AIM and MET personnel, safety/security/quality experts, airspace and IFP designers, fast and real time simulation experts, pilots, operational and technical trainers, human factor and strategy experts with vast experience gained in service provision, R&D exercises and/or commercial project delivered at the national and international levels.

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